
Catching Up with Miss Montana Brittany Wiser

Since her coronation as the sixtieth Miss Montana, Brittany Wiser has maintained a full schedule advocating her platform QPR: Suicide Prevention Education, championing the Children's Miracle Network, and preparing for the Miss America Pageant. Enjoy the following articles highlighting Brittany and follow her adventures through her new blog.
MSU News Service:
MSU student says Miss America pageant is her Olympics
DU Today:
Alumna wins Miss Montana competition
MT Public Radio:
Montana Evening Edition (Story by former MMSP State Finalist and current University of Montana graduate student Gillette Vaira; story starts at 6:30).


Sweetheart Recap from Holly Matz

Miss Montana's Sweetheart recently returned from the National Sweetheart Pageant. Enjoy the following journal entry from Holly, who continues to be an exceptional representative of the program!
This past week I competed in Miss America's National Sweetheart Pageant in Hoopeston, IL. The pageant is comprised of all the 1st runner-ups (or next available runner-up) from the Miss America state pageants. This year was a record breaking year with 41 contestants!
The friendly farming community of Hoopeston, welcomed us with generosity and support. We toured three factories. Did you know that 90% of PAM cooking spray in America comes from Hoopeston? We also toured an 11 thousand acre sweet corn farm (they even let us drive one of the tractors after the tour). The town came together to provide us with great food. We had homemade casseroles, fruit salad, homemade ice-cream and pie, and of course sweet corn. I think the food was one of my favorite parts =)
Of course the highlight of the competition was the three day performance. We performed an opening number called “Small Town Girl”. I was number 36 so I had talent the first night and swim wear and evening gown the second night. I enjoyed every part of the competition! It was exciting to see both Minnesota’s and South Dakota’s Outstanding Teens from 2006 (We competed at MAOTeen together). We had so much to catch up on and it was great to see them again after 3 years.
On Friday, we talked to an elementary school and four of us performed our talents. I showed the kids my jump rope routine. They loved it! When we were leaving a teacher came running down the hall and said “Are you the jump roper? Our class has something to show you”. When I entered into their class room I saw about 30 kids sitting on the floor practicing one of the jumps that I demonstrated. It made me smile for the rest of the day.
The final night was also filled with excitement; we even had a pizza party to celebrate. The top 5 finalists include Miss Akansas- Allison Waldrip (4th), Miss Maryland- Mary King (3rd), Miss California- Jenna Harvey (2nd), and Miss Virginia- Shannon Beam (Miss National Sweetheart 2009).
I would like to extend a huge 'thank-you' to everyone who helped me prepare and be able to attend the competition. Special thanks to Avice, Dr. Glenn Harman, Cami, Mom, Dad, and the Miss MT Scholarship board.
If you're ever in Hoopeston, remember to thank the locals for what they're doing. And don't forget to sample their sweetcorn ;)


Kudos to Annie Anseth & Sheridan Pope

Kudos to Annie Anseth (4th RU to Miss Montana 2009 and PEW) and Sheridan Pope (1st RU to MMOT 2009 and Talent Winner) on their achievements at the recent Miss Montana and Teen USA pageants.
Annie was crowned Miss Montana USA 2010 and embarks on an exciting year! A 2009 Miss Montana Preliminary Evening Gown winner, Annie won the honors wearing a stunning gown from MMSP sponsor Regalia Magnificent Appearel. Competing in the Teen division, Sheridan earned Fourth Runner Up honors. Emceeing the event was Meredith McCannel (1st RU to Miss Montana 2005).
Congratulations, ladies! We are proud of you!